

Betsabé Pap

BA in Political Science (FCS, UBA) and MA in Interdisciplinary Studies of Subjectivity (FFyL, UBA). During the period 2009-2011 she studied for a PhD in Social Sciences at the UBA. She is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Arts at the same University. Since 2006 she has been working as a university professor and researcher […]


Juan Bautista Ballestrin

BA in Sociology (UBA); doctoral candidate of the CONICET based at IIGG; teaching assistant at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. His interests combine the broad theoretical spectrum of historical materialism with empirical approaches to the labor sphere of neoliberal capitalism. He participates in collective research projects that focus on


Nelly Jácome Villalva

Currently pursuing a PhD in Gender Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the UBA, Master in Social Sciences with mention in Gender by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLACSO-Ecuador. Diploma in Human Rights and Women from the University of Chile. Doctor in Jurisprudence and Law from the Universidad Central del


Francisco Abril

D. in Philosophy, B.A. in Philosophy and Social Communication from the National University of Córdoba. He was a doctoral and postdoctoral fellow of CONICET. His line of study focuses on Contemporary Critical Theory and the problematic of domination. His doctoral thesis is entitled: “Repensar la dominación. Axel Honneth y el legado de la Teoría Crítica”.


Camila Secco

Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero with the final thesis entitled “Sujeto e intersubjetividad en Hegel. Un puente entre la Fenomenología del espíritu y las Líneas fundamentales de la filosofía del derecho”. She is part of the Social Studies Team in Human Rights and of the Politics and Citizenship Team


Catalina Tassin Wallace

Degree in Philosophy, Practical Area, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, with final thesis entitled: “Reactualización Indirecta del concepto de reconocimiento, una aproximación desde Axel Honneth”. She is a member of the Law and Control group of the Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales, CONICET. She is currently a doctoral fellow at CONICET. She is currently a

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