Currently pursuing a PhD in Gender Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the UBA, Master in Social Sciences with mention in Gender by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLACSO-Ecuador. Diploma in Human Rights and Women from the University of Chile. Doctor in Jurisprudence and Law from the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Degree in Public and Social Sciences from the Central University of Ecuador. She has held different hierarchical public positions in Ecuador related to the institutionalism of women and gender both at the level of public administration and the administration of justice. She has been a guest lecturer at several postgraduate universities in Ecuador (Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales, FLACSO, Universidad de Otavalo, Universidad del Azuay). She has been a national and international consultant on issues of rights, justice, gender, gender violence, administration of justice in development and emergency situations. She has been deployed, nationally and internationally, during emergency situations to conduct rapid gender assessments and advise on prevention of gender-based violence, especially sexual violence. She has developed training processes aimed at different audiences and has published several training manuals and guides on issues of rights, gender, violence, administration of justice and masculinities.
Recent publications
▹” El derecho de las mujeres a una vida libre de violencia y pluralismo jurídico” [Article]
▹” La violencia de género contra las mujers y los medios de comunicación, entre la información y el rating” [Article]
▹”Embarazo en mujeres adolescentes con discapacidad, su vinculación con la violencia basada en género y los desafíos
en el cuidado humano” [Tecnical report]
▹ “La ventana abierta. Femicidio, ¿una muerte prevenible?” [Tecnical report]