Santiago M. Roggerone holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, a Master’s degree in Sociology of Culture from the National University of San Martín and a Bachelor’s degree and Professor of Sociology from the same University. He is currently an Assistant Researcher for CONICET at the Center for Intellectual History of the National University of Quilmes, Professor at the National University of Chaco Austral and Assistant Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. He also teaches courses and seminars at the postgraduate level and is part of, coordinates and/or directs several projects, programs and research groups. He is the author of the books Tras las huellas del marxismo occidental (Ediciones IPS, 2022), Venir después: Notas y conjeturas generacionales (Autonomía – Red Editorial, 2020) and Alguien dijo crisis del marxismo? Axel Honneth, Slavoj Žižek y las nuevas teorías críticas de la sociedad (Prometeo Libros, 2018), as well as co-editor of the collective volumes Crisis y crítica: Intervenciones en presente sobre el futuro de la emancipación (IIGG – CLACSO, 2021) and Disparen contra Marx (90 Intervenciones – Red Editorial, 2018). He has also published numerous book chapters and articles in specialized journals. His areas of works cover contemporary social theory, critical theories of society, Marxisms and the question of justice.